Charles Taylor event postponed

Sadly, the Charles Taylor lecture at the U of Winnipeg has been postponed due to illness. For further information, check here or here.

- Dr. V

Charles Taylor at U of W

Canadian philosopher Dr. Charles Taylor, professor emeritus at McGill University and author of A Secular Age and Sources of the Self, will be giving a free lecture at the University of Winnipeg on Thursday, October 28th at 7:30pm in the Convocation Hall. The lecture is entitled, "Solidarity and Diversity in a Secular Age: Managing Belief and Unbelief in the Public Square." Did I mention it's free?

If you live nearby, this is a great opportunity for you to see an influential contemporary philosopher (and Christian) discuss an important topic that affects all members of society. I strongly encourage PFC members to attend!

Two Abortion Articles

Thanks to Dr. V for the link to the first article.

Also, check out this website featuring hundreds of links to videos of Dr. William Lane Craig.